
We are continuously working on different publications, to publish the findings from the EU-ROP project.

On this page we will keep you updated and inform you about new publications as they become available.

The first two publications from the EU-ROP project were published in September of 2023.

Below you can find the details of the first EU-ROP publications:

  • K. Winter, J. M. Pfeil, H. Engmann, S. Aisenbrey, B. Lorenz, K. Hufendiek, H. Breuss, M. Khattab, D. Süsskind, V. Kakkassery, W. A. Lagrèze, T. Barth, R. Liegl, M. C. Bründer, C. Skevas, I. Goldammer, B. Glitz, E. Michalewicz, T. U. Krohne, I. R. Bartmann, A. Stahl, for the ROP and EU-ROP registry study groups - Comparability of input parameters in the German ROP registry and the EU-ROP registry – An exemplary comparison between 2011 and 2021

          - published in Acta Ophthalmologica

          If you want to read the full paper, you can download the paper here

  • Caroline Catt, Johanna M Pfeil, Daniel Barthelmes, Glen A Gole, Tim U Krohne, Wei-Chi Wu, Shunji Kusaka, Peiquan Zhao, Shuan Dai, James Elder, Matthias Heckmann, Jacqueline Stack, Gigi Khonyongwa-Fernandez, Andreas Stahl - Development of a joint set of database parameters for the EU-ROP and Fight Childhood Blindness! ROP Registries

          - published in Br J Ophthalmol

          If you want to read the full paper, you can download the paper here.

Here are some publications, that have resulted from the precursor project, the German ROP registry:

  • Larsen PP, Müller A, Lagrèze WA, Holz FG, Stahl A, Krohne TU; German ROP Registry Study Group. Incidence of retinopathy of prematurity in Germany: evaluation of current screening criteria. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2021 Mar;106(2):189-193. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-319767
  • Walz JM, Bemme S, Reichl S, Akman S, Breuß H, Süsskind D, Glitz B, Müller VC, Wagenfeld L, Gabel-Pfisterer A, Aisenbrey S, Engelmann K, Koutsonas A, Krohne TU,  Stahl A; ROP-Register-Studiengruppe. Treated cases of retinopathy of  prematurity in Germany : 5-year data from the ROP registry. Ophthalmologe 2018 Apr 10. doi: 10.1007/s00347-018-0701-5
  • Walz JM, Bemme S, Pielen A, Aisenbrey S, Breuß H, Alex AF, Wagenfeld L, Schiedel S, Krohne TU, Stahl A; ROP Registry. The German ROP Registry:  data from 90 infants treated for retinopathy of prematurity. Acta Ophthalmol  2016 Dec;94(8):e744-e752. doi: 10.1111/aos.13069
  • Stahl A, Krohne TU, Limburg E. Register zur Erfassung behandlungsbedürftiger Frühgeborenenretinopathie.Z prakt Augenheilkd 2012;33:500-4.
  • Stahl A, Krohne TU, ROP Study Group. zur Frühgeborenenretinopathie in Deutschland. Retinologische Gesellschaft 2012.
  • Johanna M. Pfeil, Teresa Barth, Wolf A. Lagrèze, Birgit Lorenz, Karsten Hufendiek, Raffael Liegl, Helge Breuss, Sebastian Bemme, Sabine Aisenbrey, Barbara Glitz, Daniela Süsskind, Ameli Gabel-Pfisterer, Christos Skevas, Tim U. Krohne, Vinodh Kakkassery, Marie-Christine Bründer, Katrin Engelmann, Rainer Guthoff, Peter Walter, Lars Choritz, Andreas Stahl, ROP registry study group - Treated cases of retinopathy of prematurity in Germany – 10-year data from the ROP registry (accepted at Ophthalmology Retina)